School District                             The Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education       adheres to the following values.

Striving to address the training needs for high-quality service and seeking ways to achieve our goals.

Creating a learning organisation in which staff members seek and share knowledge and information while committing themselves to personal growth.

Upholding the Constitution, being accountable to the Minister, the government and the people of Sierra Leone.

Maintaining high standards of performance and professionalism by aiming for excellence in everything we do, including being fair, ethical and trustworthy in all that we do.

Cooperating with one another and with our partners in education in an open and supportive way to achieve shared goals.


Mission Statement

To provide opportunities for children and adults to acquire knowledge and skills, as nature good

attitudes and values for economic growth

Vision Statement

to have an appropriately educated entrepreneurial and innovative citizenry, productive and intentionally competitive by 2030.

Goals and Strategic Objectives

  1. * To improve access, equity and completion
  2. * construct/rehabilitate of additional classrooms
  3. * Construct new schools especially Junior Secondary(JSS) in chiefdons without one
  4. * Translate core test books into braille and audio materials
  5. * Ada[t school environment to make them disable friendly
  6. * Rehabilitate of special needs dormitories
  7. * Establish additional learning center for non formal Education
  8. * Strength Guidance and counseling in Basic and Senior Secondary Schools
  9. Implementation Plan 2018-2020

To Improve the quality and relevance of Education

  1. * Recruit and equitably distribute professionally qualified and competent 5000 teachers who are well paid ar all level of schooling
  2. * improve the conditions of Teachers
  3. * Develop a national strategy and action plan to address examinations malpractice
  4. * Resuscitate the Directorate of Research and Curriculum
  5. * Develop a Senior Secondary School Curriculum and roll out the Basic Education curriculum
  6. * Provide TLMs(including assistive devices )for all the schools levels

To Strengthen Education service delivery

  1. * Establish District Educational Boards and ward education committee nationwide
  2. * Strengthen the EMIS at District level for efficient data collection management
  3. * Develop and implement It System to improve on staff communication and collaboration at District level
  4. * Validate and disseminate the Ministry’s Service charter



Minister: Dr.David Sengbeh 

Permanent Secretary: Mr David Banya 

Chief Education officer: Dr. Yatta Kanu



Directorate of Planning and Policy

Directorate of Non-Formal Education

Directorate of Inspectorate

Directorate of Programme and Services


Strategic Documents

Sierra Leone covid-19 Education

Response Plan

Education Act 2004

National Education Policy 2010

Education Sector Plan 2018-2020

Implementation Plan 2018-2020

Who We Are

Improving lives through Learning. We are always Inspired by the world and people us. Celebrating e-Learning excellence in Personal.

We are here to meet your demand and teach the most beneficial way for you in Personal.